Multiple v-model with Vue 3

With Vue 3 and its Composition API, you can use multiple v-models in your components. Each Vue 3 v-model synchronizes with a different property, simplifying the process of reactive communication between components.

Unlike Vue 2, in Vue 3, we can use more than one v-model directive. Each v-model synchronizes with a different property, simplifying the process of reactive communication between components:


v-model Vue 3 Composition API

The key to using multiple v-model with Vue 3 is to specify a modifier/argument when writing the directive, such as v-model:<argument>. Each argument points to a reactive property that resides in the parent component and is intended to be passed to a child component.

From the child component, we declare the properties using the defineProps helper:

const props = defineProps({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    surname: {
    profession: {

And define the events using the update:<prop> naming convention and defineEmits:

const emit = defineEmits([

Now, we can confidently use the new properties coming from v-model within the component's structure:

            <label for="name">Name</label>
                    @input="$emit('update:name', $"

You can even create a local method to simplify the update process:

const updateProp = (prop, {target: {value}}) => emit(`update:${prop}`, value);

v-model Vue 3 component

Juan Andrés Núñez
Juan Andrés Núñez
Frontend Engineer. Vue.js Specialist. Professional Teacher. Stoic.