Making DOM API’s reactive
Learn how to use the Intersection Observer API in Vue with TypeScript by transforming its implementation into a reusable composable

Learn how to use the Intersection Observer API in Vue with TypeScript by transforming its implementation into a reusable composable
Learn the differences between await, return, and return await in JavaScript async functions. Discover best practices for better debugging and error handling.
Here you will learn to use one of the most beloved and highly rated Web tools: Vue.js
If you are reading this you (almost certainly) know that Vue.js is an elegant, minimalist, and versatile framework. However, no one uses Vue in isolation: it's a fundamental part of any modern Frontend Web development stack.
To be proficient using Vue.js in your projects, you first need to feel comfortable with JavaScript (the foundation) and then learn all related technologies: Vue.js, Pinia, Vue Router, Nuxt, Vite, or Firebase, among others. Here you will learn them all.
Thousands of people make a living creating professional Web projects with JavaScript, Vue.js, and its incredible ecosystem. You can do it too.
So you can consume it at your own pace (no more 2x speed videos, please), always accompanied by functional code/demo.
Taught by a professional teacher and developer. Learn by building something tangible. Solve your doubts instantly in live sessions.
Focused on answering questions based on the day-to-day life of a professional Frontend Web developer.
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